Net::Config - Local configuration data for libnet


Net::Config - Local configuration data for libnet


    use Net::Config qw(%NetConfig);


Net::Config holds configuration data for the modules in the libnet distribuion. During installation you will be asked for these values.

The configuration data is held globally in a file in the perl installation tree, but a user may override any of these values by providing thier own. This can be done by having a .libnetrc file in thier home directory. This file should return a reference to a HASH containing the keys described below. For example

    # .libnetrc
        nntp_hosts => [ "my_prefered_host" ],
        ph_hosts   => [ "my_ph_server" ],


Net::Config defines the following methods. They are methods as they are invoked as class methods. This is because Net::Config inherits from Net::LocalCfg so you can override these methods if you want.

requires_firewall HOST
Attempts to determine if a given host is outside your firewall. Possible return values are.
  -1  Cannot lookup hostname
   0  Host is inside firewall (or there is no ftp_firewall entry)
   1  Host is outside the firewall

This is done by using hostname lookup and the local_netmask entry in the configuration data.

NetConfig VALUES

Each is a reference to an array of hostnames (in order of preference), which should be used for the given protocol

Your internet domain name

If you have an FTP proxy firewall (NOT a HTTP or SOCKS firewall) then this value should be set to the firewall hostname. If your firewall does not listen to port 21, then this value should be set to "hostname:port" (eg "hostname:99")

FTP servers normally work on a non-passive mode. That is when you want to transfer data you have to tell the server the address and port to connect to.

With some firewalls this does not work as te server cannot connect to your machine (because you are beind a firewall) and the firewall does not re-write te command. In this case you should set ftp_ext_passive to a true value.

Some servers are configured to only work in passive mode. If you have one of these you can force Net::FTP to always transfer in passive mode, when not going via a firewall, by cetting ftp_int_passive to a true value.

A reference to a list of netmask strings in the form "". These are used by the requires_firewall function to determine if a given host is inside or outside your firewall.

The following entries are used during installation & testing on the libnet package

If true them make test may attempt to connect to hosts given in the configuration.

If true the Configure will check each hostname given that it exists

 Net::Config - Local configuration data for libnet